Sunday, August 27, 2006

My Constitution of Self-Awareness-8.27.06

In the name of myself, Alisha ????????, I hereby lay forth my new constitution. Out of fear of never committing to a centered, healthy well-being, I am declaring some ground rules. It is expected that each day, I adhere to these rules. Failure to commit can result in the continuance of a damaged self.

1. Each morning I awake, I shall practice yoga. Learning how center my mind, body, and spirit shall lead to a healthier lifestyle. As a beginner, it is okay to explore various techniques and videos. I commit to seeking out more information on the practice of yoga.

2. Following yoga, I shall take time to sit and eat breakfast. A healthy mind cannot work without a healthy body (and vice versa).

3. In order to feel confident in my everyday activities/work, I commit to showering and wearing comfortable clothes. I hereby swear not to wear sweats everday as doing so has historically coincided with my depression.

4. During my everday work/activities, I commit to having an open-mind, open-heart, and open eyes; being aware of my surroundings and never taking anything too personally. In addition, I commit to remaining aware of my thoughts and feelings throughout the day. In doing so, I will continue to learn more about who I am and what I love.

5. I commit to eating both lunch and dinner and having a snack when needed. In addition, I will portion my meals according to what every human needs, including carbs, meat (or something equivalent), dairy, fruit, and vegetables. Furthermore, I will eat healthy snacks in between meals; doing so will keep me from binge eating during meals. In fear of being too strict with eating habits, I shall allow myself to enjoy treats when having a healthy craving. This involves paying attention to myself, enabling myself to distinguish between a normal craving for sweets and an unhealthy craving for a bunch of shit food :)

6. I commit to working out at least 4 times a week (preferably 5). If unable to do so (due to unavoidable injuries), I commit to walking or hiking around campus for at least a 1/2 hour each day.

7. Each day, I shall finish my assigned homework without freaking out about the abundance of reading. Breath.

8. I shall go to bed at a reasonable hour, sleeping for 8 hours each night. Exceptions can be made when large projects are due (which is bound to happen).

9. I commit to taking this constitution seriously but not too seriously. This requires paying attention to myself, taking note of what I need in order to maintain a healthy, centered lifestyle.

10. Finally, I commit to exploring further various activities that I may consider a form of playtime. As of this moment, I am exploring my artistic abilities. I commit to improving those abilities and using art as a form of expressing or purging my feelings. Crochet is a new possibility. Reading books outside of my required coursework (preferably books that can be read for self-help books or textbooks) shall also be considered. This commitment is subject to change according to how I feel.

I, Alisha ????????, on this day, 8.27.06, shall hereby uphold the constitution of self-awareness. I understand that amendments can be made in order to improve my well-being. Amendments can only be made after facing the truth, listening to myself, and determining that the amendment is the best way to improve my mind, body, and spirit.

~Alisha ?????????~


Marj aka Thriver said...

This sounds somewhat similar to my "A Day of Thriving." You rock, girl! Hey, I got that secret-sharing site up. It's at if you'd be so kind as to check it out when you get a chance. Thanks!

Lish said...

Hey Marj, do you have a link to your post called "A Day of Thriving" I tried looking and didn't run across it. I'm not that great with searching. Thanks!!

Marj aka Thriver said...

Sure thing! It's on my dot com site under the page, "Meditations" in the archives. It's underneath something called "What Does Thriving Look Like?" It's kinda set up like a poem. Here's the permalink:

Chas said...

You go girl!!!!!!

Hugs! Lish I am so happy for you that your planning on improving in life & taking a step forward =). Remember to take it one day at a time & keep your chin up!

Cassandra said...


how are you doing??
hope all is well

